The universe was smaller and more dense in the past. Why we can see the oldest galaxies in the world when we look at the outskirts then?


I just can’t wrap my mind around this. Can we see them anywhere? Why, if the universe was smaller? Or is there like one place in space where the aftermath big bang happened (I know there was no space at the time and big bang kinda went everywhere ofc) and we are pointing our telescopes at it?

Using human logic we should see the youngest galaxies (as their images in the past) far away and just won’t be able to spot the elders.

In: 25

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The universe probably goes on forever in every direction – it doesn’t have an ‘outskirts’.

If true, this means that when the universe was young, it was denser but not ‘smaller’ – it still went on forever in every direction.

Here’s a neat fact – the Milky Way is just as old as the oldest galaxies you see in those telescope photos, you’re just seeing those galaxies as they looked when they were young (because info about their youth is just now able to reach us).

Your last sentence:
>Using human logic we should see the youngest galaxies (as their images in the past) far away and just won’t be able to spot the elders.

Is pretty spot-on.

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