The weight of a truck filled with flying chickens.


Some time ago a heard that a truck filled with chickens would weigh the same if the chickens either are on the floor of the truck or if they are hovering just under the roof. The reasoning is that the chickens are part of the same «system» as the truck, so the whole «system» would always weigh the same, even if the objects inside it is not in contact with it physically. Can someone explain what is meant by this «system» and if this is a true statement?

Thank you!

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This actually relates to a very old joke coming out of North Carolina sometime in the mid 60s. Two good old boy truck drivers had just loaded up chickens for delivery to the chicken plant for processing and they realized that both of their trailers were way too heavy to go over the WeighMasters scale.

The first time they went over the scale they tried banging on the sides of the trailers to get the chickens to fly, lower the actual ground pressure. That did not work.

They were told to turn around and go back to the chicken house and get rid of the extra chickens.

Week later they overloaded themselves again but this time they remembered that if you put lights all around a chicken it’ll stay up and get pretty active so they strung lights up and down their truck and their trailers and just before the weighmaster, they turned on all the lights.
This time it worked!

Well some 30 years later, if you see a big semi truck and trailer heading down the road with LEDs all over it, that is called a chicken truck as a slang term.

I’m sure somebody has written this down better than I have but it’s the truth I swear LOL

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