There’s the temp and then the “feels like” temp. If they are different, how does a thermometer read the real temp and not what it feels like, since it feels like the feels like temp?


I know this title sounds crazy but I don’t know how to phrase my question better

In: 5716

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say that the air temperature is physically at 40F. At this temperature, water won’t freeze, so your pipes are safe and the roads won’t be icy. If the wind’s not blowing, it’ll feel like 40F.

However, if there’s a 20 mph wind, that will cool you a lot more than no wind. So the “feels like” temperature accounts for this; maybe it’ll say that it feels like 30F. That means that 40F with 20 mph wind will cool you down the same way that 30F air with no wind would. Again, the temperature is still 40F; your pipes are safe and driving isn’t a hassle, but you probably want a thicker coat or jacket.

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