Thermostats – why do they operate the opposite way to everything else? Clockwise = down / Anti-clockwise = up?


Thermostats – why do they operate the opposite way to everything else? Clockwise = down / Anti-clockwise = up?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It really depends on the unit.

I’ve seen electronic ones where you just push a button up or down to set the temperature up or down.

Though even some dial ones I’ve worked with had clockwise increase the temperature and counter went down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

because they are valves. twisting counter clockwise closes the valve, like on your water tap, so no warm water gets through and no heat is spreaded to your room. if you turn counter-clockwise, you open the valve, and warm water goes through your radiator. so you see, they dont work different than everything else 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t necessarily work that way. In my experience, room thermostats for heating systems are typically clockwise = hot =up, anti-clockwise = cool = down.