Things on Earth being ‘As hot as the sun’


I’ve heard a few times now in various scientific fields, mainly experiments, about things getting as hot as the sun.

How is this possible? Surely if you do something and you create heat that is that hot it would melt anything surrounding it?

Would love to know how this works 🙂

In: 175

29 Answers

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If your substance is hot, but not very dense, it doesn’t have that much heat energy. As an example, you can pass your hand through a yellow flame quickly and it won’t burn you because there isn’t much hot gas in the flame, even though it’s at several hundred degrees. Conversely, a stream of water at 90 deg C is burning you instantly when you pass your hand through it.

We have a plasma machine at work that does 100 million degrees, but there is only a few grams of fuel in there total. It is also held away from the walls with magnets.

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