Things on Earth being ‘As hot as the sun’


I’ve heard a few times now in various scientific fields, mainly experiments, about things getting as hot as the sun.

How is this possible? Surely if you do something and you create heat that is that hot it would melt anything surrounding it?

Would love to know how this works 🙂

In: 175

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“as hot as a sun” is a rather broad term. Is it hot as its surface (i.e. few thousand of degrees celsius)? Or is it as hot as a stellar core (within tens of millions of degrees)?

Either way, you can have that temperature happen for a very brief moment, you can have the stuff isolated in a vacuum/magnetic confinement, you can have an active cooling system that will keep the walls from melting down. And probably a few other ways/combinations of them that I might not be aware of right now.

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