this probability situation – If a couple of people decide to travel on separate airliners instead of traveling together, have they halved their chances of dying in a plane crash, or doubled them?


this probability situation – If a couple of people decide to travel on separate airliners instead of traveling together, have they halved their chances of dying in a plane crash, or doubled them?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same average number of deaths but spread over cases where one lives and one dies. For example if the chance of dying was 1/10:

Both people on the same flight
10/100 chance they both die.
Total: 20 deaths per 100 flights.

Different flights
9/100 chance just A dies
9/100 chance just B dies
1/100 chance they both die.
Total: 20 deaths per 100 flights.

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