this probability situation – If a couple of people decide to travel on separate airliners instead of traveling together, have they halved their chances of dying in a plane crash, or doubled them?


this probability situation – If a couple of people decide to travel on separate airliners instead of traveling together, have they halved their chances of dying in a plane crash, or doubled them?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You need to define the cases much more clearly.

If you’re talking about the chances either or both of them die, then you’ve increased the chances, as either plane (or both planes) having an issue would fulfill that criteria.

If you’re talking about the chances that both of them die, then you’ve reduced the chances (not halved), because both planes must go down.

If you talking about the chances that exactly one of them dies but the other survives, then you increased the chances, since this was impossible when they were on the same plane. This requires one plane to go down and the other to be fine.

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