“Smart people tend to prefer to hang out with dumb people
They do this because their relationship is similar to a tyrant over a mob or a grandparent is over their grandchildren”
You can interpret it your own way, but mine is that he is saying smart people pick dumb friends to be “in charge” of them and dumb people agree to it since they have someone to do the leading for them
Don’t know if I personally believe that, but that wasn’t your question lol
I don’t know what Schopenhauer was saying. But perhaps relatedly, when very smart people hang out with quite smart people, sometimes the quite smart people can get competitive and resentful about the very smart people’s intelligence. But very smart and pretty dumb folks can just hang out and have fun and be chill about everything.
I think most are misinterpreting this. It is that the groups are different enough to have affection for each other rather than competition. The other groups are vying for power and therefore in conflict. The tyrants power actually comes from the mob at the expense of the middle and aristocracy. A grand parent can often be more indulgent and close than a parent who has to maintain authority. The really intelligent often face push back from the fairly intelligent whereas the un intelligent might just want to talk about the weather, they can talk about shared things without conflict. It’s closer to opposites attract than power dynamics.
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