to a European why people seem to have beef with FEMA?

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I keep seeing all sorts of stuff about FEMA being all sorts of things but isnt it just the US government being able to move in and help out?

In: Other

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To be fair, FEMA has a had a bad track record, but like others said, politics keeps pushing those failures to the front on top of spewing outright lies about FEMA.

FEMA has kind of been an experimental program in some ways. Ever since it was created, FEMA has run into problems one natural disaster after another, but every single administration so far had taken measures to improve and fix the failure points of the program. Regardless of what side of the aisle they were on, FEMA had been getting better and better thanks to both Republican and Democrat administrations making changes needed to prevent the same failures from repeating again.

That was true up until the Trump administration, who actually took funding and resources away from FEMA. Which is funny because he is currently blaming the Biden administration of doing exactly that, despite no evidence to back up his claim.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because the US government has covertly used FEMA to run concentration camps targeting citizens they deem to be a threat to their power on American soil which is unconstitutional because the federal agencies only have a set number of camps they’re allowed to set up and none of them can be in NATO or adjacent countries

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not going to get a non biased answer on reddit. The reason politically recently is because of statements made by FEMA focusing on “equity”, as well as them being inefficient and hampering aid from other sources.

Edit: the conspiracy theory about the concentration camps come from this:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everybody wants free stuff, like government assistance during natural disasters. But nobody wants to pay for it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Reagan once quipped “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Many Americans have this sentiment engrained in their souls. to the point they would brave a hurricane rather than accept help from the Federal government,

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the states that are currently being impacted by disasters and are in need of FEMA aid have leaders and voters that notoriously don’t like to accept “government handouts,” especially from an administration of the opposite party, especially during an election year. And have voted to cut funding to FEMA (or at least redirect funds) in recent years.

But now that push has come to shove, it turns out they DO need government handouts, and are unhappy that they aren’t getting them in spades.