toddlers and their sleep to energy ratio


I just….. I just don’t understand. How do toddlers/young children just wake up rudely and abruptly early, ready to run a triathlon whilst doing a speech and debate event. I feel like I need an IV of caffeine.

I can get the same amount of sleep and still be dragging ass. Is it just because as adults we are plagued with stress/responsibilities, etc?

In: 14

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s partly related to toddlers getting enough sleep and you aren’t.

To get enough sleep, you go to sleep and then take up naturally once you’ve had enough sleep. This is what most toddlers/young children are doing to wake up, waking up themselves, so they are going to be ready to go on waking.

Many teenagers and adults, on the other had will use an alarm clock to wake themselves up. This has two issues first it is likely to wake you up mid sleep cycles which can leave you feeling groggy and unrested. Secondly pretty much by definition an alarm clock is waking you up, when your body still needs more sleep.

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