: (UK specific question). What is “County Lines” all about?


I hear “county lines” referenced a lot – something to do with gangs / youth culture, but the background has completely passed me by. Can you explain?

In: 2

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically moving drugs and money from location to location, so from where they are imported or grown to where they are sold. This requires lots of cars and drivers which can occasionally be intercepted by the police or sometimes other gangs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically moving drugs and money from location to location, so from where they are imported or grown to where they are sold. This requires lots of cars and drivers which can occasionally be intercepted by the police or sometimes other gangs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically moving drugs and money from location to location, so from where they are imported or grown to where they are sold. This requires lots of cars and drivers which can occasionally be intercepted by the police or sometimes other gangs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a term used to describe the exploitation of children by organised crime, specifically drug gangs. “Lines” refers to the phone lines use to communicate with the exploited children. The children are often used to move drugs from one area to another, often from a town or city to a more rural area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It refers to criminal organisations (mainly gangs moving drugs, weapons etc) which operate across county lines (ie. across multiple counties). This name is given to make clear the difference between a local gang which operates in a single city and one which spans across a larger geographic area, even if their activities are similar.

It’s not really a youth culture thing, the name has been popularised by the press and I can’t imagine hearing anyone under the age of 30 saying it seriously.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a term used to describe the exploitation of children by organised crime, specifically drug gangs. “Lines” refers to the phone lines use to communicate with the exploited children. The children are often used to move drugs from one area to another, often from a town or city to a more rural area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a term used to describe the exploitation of children by organised crime, specifically drug gangs. “Lines” refers to the phone lines use to communicate with the exploited children. The children are often used to move drugs from one area to another, often from a town or city to a more rural area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It refers to criminal organisations (mainly gangs moving drugs, weapons etc) which operate across county lines (ie. across multiple counties). This name is given to make clear the difference between a local gang which operates in a single city and one which spans across a larger geographic area, even if their activities are similar.

It’s not really a youth culture thing, the name has been popularised by the press and I can’t imagine hearing anyone under the age of 30 saying it seriously.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It refers to criminal organisations (mainly gangs moving drugs, weapons etc) which operate across county lines (ie. across multiple counties). This name is given to make clear the difference between a local gang which operates in a single city and one which spans across a larger geographic area, even if their activities are similar.

It’s not really a youth culture thing, the name has been popularised by the press and I can’t imagine hearing anyone under the age of 30 saying it seriously.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s drug dealing gangs that generally use kids to traffic drugs from inner cities out to rural areas.

A friend’s kid got involved and it got really nasty, he was taking the train into the city and bringing back bags to contacts in the countryside at first, before he began bringing pre weighed and wrapped drugs to sell himself in the local town.

His dad has had to bail him out with thousands of pounds a few times to keep him safe.

It’s brutal child exploitation.