Understanding something. How does your brain go from knowing something to understanding something?


Until a few years ago, I always understood cavities as someTHING you can get on your teeth rather then an actual cavity/hole forming on your teeth. So how do I go from knowing a cavity as a word or object to understanding it as what it is, a cavity in my teeth. Is this simply caused by my stupid brain making a new physical connection between neurons or something else perhaps?

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6 Answers

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Knowing something just means that you understand that it is true, not necessarily *WHY* it is true. For instance, if I have a well respected science textbook that says that 2+2=purple, I may know that it is true because a whole bunch of people smarter than me are saying it is and I know that they understand it. However, that doesn’t mean that I understand *why* it is the case.

A more realistic example of this would be gravity. People know gravity is real but a pretty small percentage actually understand how it actually works and thus understand it.

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