Universal standard for batteries?


On a planet where we can’t decide on the size of a sheet of paper, what side of the road to drive on, or what household current should be (and what an outlet should look like). How in the world can we have a planet-wide standard for batteries? AA/AAA/C/D sized batteries are the same across the globe. How did this happen?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Replacing batteries can happen in any device regardless of what the other devices require. So it can gradually get replaced with just the cost of the new device (which probably gets bought anyway). Manufacturers can buy whatever is cheapest, and things produced in big quantities are usually cheaper. So you buy what everyone else is buying to put on your device (the bay that the batteries go into).

The other things you listed would all need a massive coordination and a lot of o e time cost to exchange all the outlets, devices, infrastructure. This is usually not happening.

For paper, there really is only 2 standards for most applications. We do have special battery sizes, just like spezial paper sizes, just not commonly in a private setting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

AA/AAA/C/D is a standard. You are wondering why 1kg in one state is 1kg in another.
But there are a multiload of different batteries in different sizes, best example are laptops, their batteries arent interchangable because they vary in size and load.

Standards and norms are used for customers to know what they are buying and dont “unify”, its only there to know that if you need a Battery with AAA, you can use any with AAA.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are TONs of battery standards. AA, AAA, C, D, 123a, 18650, a dizzying array of button battery sizes, 9 different “common” sizes of car batteries, dozens of less common car batteries which are NOT the same as motorcycle or boat engine batteries, and a similarly dizzying array of proprietary batteries, some of which are meant to never be replaced (looking at YOU, Apple) and some of which are, like Makita, Dewalt, EGO, Greenworks batteries.

There is no universal standard for batteries. It’s just as convoluted as paper sizes. You’re quite simply mistaken.