Using capacitor to gracefully shutdown PC


We all know pulling the plug on a running PC is bad, bc the operating system could be in a critical process and interrupting it would corrupt the system.

But using a capacitor that holds electric charge couldnt we give the PC a couple of „grace seconds“ where the pc finishes its job and then starts the shutdown process?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You could… but a UPS can already do that.

Plus… you know, you could just not pull the plug like a dummy. Instead, you press the “shut down” button in your OS and let the computer handle proper shutdown protocols, which includes the computer giving alert to any running processes and letting them find a quick but proper end and closing out before going through the shut down process overall.

Once the computer is fully shut down, you can pull the plug and move your PC as needed, or whatever you want to do.

And for extra safety, a UPS can surge protect and also has battery protection in case of a power outage so you can quickly shut down in the few minutes those UPS batteries allow you to run.

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