Using capacitor to gracefully shutdown PC


We all know pulling the plug on a running PC is bad, bc the operating system could be in a critical process and interrupting it would corrupt the system.

But using a capacitor that holds electric charge couldnt we give the PC a couple of „grace seconds“ where the pc finishes its job and then starts the shutdown process?

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9 Answers

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Aight, electrical engineer literally working on this exact task right now! Yes, you can do this with a capacitor. You will need a supercap or ultracap and a supercap management IC, and make yourself a small board. I recommend getting Eagle CAD or another cheap PCB software and making a real PCB.

Be careful. Supercaps have a lot of energy in there. Treat them like batteries.

Or you could use an uninterruptible power supply, but that’s expensive. Money vs time, though. Pick which one you’re more rich in.

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