vacuum sealed freezer bags and defrosting


Can someone explain to me why all flash frozen, vacuum sealed bags say to remove them from the original bag before defrosting the item? Does maybe the layer of ice make the food soggier if it isn’t removed? It’s my only guess.

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think defrosting changes the pressure inside so something like fish would get pulled apart from itself and be a kinda mushy, weird texture

Edit: I clearly don’t know, this has always just been my assumption

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure either but since the only other reply also isn’t sure I figured I’d post an alternate line of reasoning. I believe the presence of room temperature air reduces the time it takes for the item to defrost. Without a medium of something around it, the heat dispersal will be significantly slowed. Ideally you should strip it down to it’s innermost wrapping and then plunge into room temp/warm water to speed up the defrost period.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some bacteria can survive an oxygen free and frozen environment. And I’m pretty it also has to do with the fact that it’s pretty bad to eat plastic and heating it in the bag can cause microscopic bits of it to leech into the food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an increased risk of botulism when thawing vacuum-packed frozen foods while still enclosed in the packaging. Those packages have had air removed from them, and the botulism bacteria can do well in oxygen-free environments.