Vinyl records


How is sound recorded onto a vinyl record??? I get the general concept that it’s in the grooves (pun not intended) and the needle plays it, but HOW is it recorded and played????? I just can’t grasp my head around it.

In: 2

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blow up a balloon and put it directly against your mouth and sing. Put your hand on the opposite side of the balloon and you’ll feel vibrations. Now imagine if you were to attach a needle to the balloon instead of your hand and you allowed the needle to scratch a groove into a spinning disc of wax. Now put the balloon to your ear and allow the needle to follow the groove, you would hear yourself singing.

Modernize it by using electromagnets to vibrate the needle as you sing into a microphone. Make a silicone mold of the wax copy, make a metal mold of the silicone mold. Record the B side of the record and make all those molds. Then place a pvc puck between the A side and B side molds and squish them together. Boom, vinyl record.

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