Warming up the grill?


I can conceptually understand how ovens use a different heat to cook, and hence takes a long time to warm up. But why would a propane grill, with direct heat, still take up to 10 mins to fully spread its heat out into the cooking area?

Context: I’m grilling, and realized it’s taking longer than expected (~3-5mins?) to get to 400°F. Understand that I was having wrong expectations, and want to know why thing is this way instead of that.

Edit: punctuation

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thermal Mass.

The amount of heat required to warm just the air in the grill/oven is pretty minimal… but that air is in constant contact with the metal walls/lid/etc. which will wick away that heat very effectively while they are still cold.

Preheating an oven/grill is basically waiting for the interior grates/walls/lid/etc. to get “up to temp” enough that the air isn’t losing soooo much heat to the walls.

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