Was Y2K Justified Paranoia?

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I was born in 2000. I’ve always heard that Y2K was just dramatics and paranoia, but I’ve also read that it was justified and it was handled by endless hours of fixing the programming. So, which is it? Was it people being paranoid for no reason, or was there some justification for their paranoia? Would the world really have collapsed if they didn’t fix it?

In: Technology

49 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I fixed a bunch of bad time related code in the early 90’s. This was before Y2K was a thing. Unfortunately, thousands of the lines of shitty code were mostly written by one guy. I became hugely unpopular when they found out I deleted and rewrote all of his code.

He was an idiot, my boss was an idiot and the time routines were the least of my worries with the broken ass software that we had at the time.

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