Was Y2K Justified Paranoia?

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I was born in 2000. I’ve always heard that Y2K was just dramatics and paranoia, but I’ve also read that it was justified and it was handled by endless hours of fixing the programming. So, which is it? Was it people being paranoid for no reason, or was there some justification for their paranoia? Would the world really have collapsed if they didn’t fix it?

In: Technology

49 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We recently had a very problematic computer outage caused by a brand of security software that sent all the computers running it into a reboot loop due to a faulty update. It grounded many airlines, sent hospitals into chaos, 911 lines stopped working in some cities, etc. Now that was just some companies/organizations using a specific (but popular) brand of security software on Windows. Imagine every computer did that at once. It would be apocalyptic. And the experts knew it ahead of time for Y2K, so they patched all the critical systems in advance and we were good. But if it had somehow not been predicted, it could have been catastrophic.

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