We can’t we lower wages with slow deflation?


Wouldn’t it be good for the currency if we slowly steadily moved into deflation and at the same time lower the wages. Then the consumers wouldn’t have too much power, right? Or would it be a global perspective problem?

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deflation is a worse outcome to the point where inflation might be artificially raised ot ensure it doesnt happen.

Deflation would mean that people would be encouraged ot sit on their money and have it do nothing inhopes it raises in value and just refrain from spending.

this is REALLY BAD long term because it will cause the economy ot stall while also making any debt that is active worse for the debtors. if left unresolved this lead to a recession and eventually a major depression.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deflation is a worse outcome to the point where inflation might be artificially raised ot ensure it doesnt happen.

Deflation would mean that people would be encouraged ot sit on their money and have it do nothing inhopes it raises in value and just refrain from spending.

this is REALLY BAD long term because it will cause the economy ot stall while also making any debt that is active worse for the debtors. if left unresolved this lead to a recession and eventually a major depression.

Anonymous 0 Comments

why would you want to lower wages?

Anonymous 0 Comments

why would you want to lower wages?

Anonymous 0 Comments

why would you want to lower wages?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deflation would be good for the currency as an investment – but you don’t generally want your currency to be an investment. That’s how you get people hoarding your currency instead of using it to exchange for goods and services.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deflation would be good for the currency as an investment – but you don’t generally want your currency to be an investment. That’s how you get people hoarding your currency instead of using it to exchange for goods and services.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deflation would be good for the currency as an investment – but you don’t generally want your currency to be an investment. That’s how you get people hoarding your currency instead of using it to exchange for goods and services.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from all the explanations of why deflation is undesirable why would we WANT to lower wages? The only people who benefit from lower wages are the elites and frankly they have enough power (and money) already. Increasing wages would be beneficial to the most people, that should be the goal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from all the explanations of why deflation is undesirable why would we WANT to lower wages? The only people who benefit from lower wages are the elites and frankly they have enough power (and money) already. Increasing wages would be beneficial to the most people, that should be the goal.