Wearing rubber soled shoes or not lifting your feet to avoid electrocution. Is the electricity not still in your body?


Wearing rubber soled shoes or not lifting your feet to avoid electrocution. Is the electricity not still in your body?

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7 Answers

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Electricity is not something tangible like a piece of coal. Electricity is a flow of electrons. Your body does contain electrons and electric current can flow in your body under certain circumstances. Wearing insulating soles (rubber shoes) reduces the ability of electrons to flow thru your body to the ground.

Not lifting your feet (shuffling) is recommended if you are near a downed power line conductor. If you lift your foot and take a large step, a large current can flow between your legs when you put your foot on the ground and cause damage. By taking small shuffling steps, the current flow thru your legs is smaller and less likely to cause damage.

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