websites without a .com or equivalent domain?


Take []( for example, .it is a country level domain, and there’s no .com or .gov. How does that work?

Also, websites without a .country ending is assumed to be in the US. So, if it’s possible for a website to not have a .com level domain and the assumption is .us, then is it possible for a website to “not have any domain?”

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The last part of the domain, or probably more accurate the first part is the Top Level Domain, or TLD. It can be almost anything these days, there is no requirement that it be any one particular thing. For each TLD that exists, some company or entity owns it and runs name servers for it and allows domain registrars the ability to be able to sell domains for it.

While it is technically possible to “not have a domain”, its not done in practice on the public internet. You can however do it internally. for example localhost is a “domain” that points to your own device (which is the loopback address of You can make whatever internal domains you want, as long as some DNS server your device points to says “somedomain” exists and tells it which IP to point too, then it can.

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