what a ‘bait set’ is and how they are used?


I encountered this term in the context of genomics.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

AKA a “lure set”, it’s when you pack a piece of tech like Gravity on Landorus-T. You do this to lure in Celesteela, Gravity on the switch, then your opponent has to either switch again or sack Cele.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m assuming you already know some basic molecular biology techniques.

I’m not huge into omics stuff, but just googling *genomics bait sets* suggests baits are essentially like primers in PCR: oligonucleotides (but more in the order of dozens to 100+ bases long) complimentary against specific sequences of interest to help select those sequences out of a sample. Because they’re decently large, you can reserve some part of these baits for barcoding purposes. Beyond that, I can’t really give specifics of how you’d use these, what (extra) data they help generate and how to interpret that.

And you’ll probably be using more than one of these at a time, yielding a set of baits = bait set.