what about Screen Time is bad for kids? Is it the sitting around for long periods of time, the content they watch or just staring at a pixelated screen?


what about Screen Time is bad for kids? Is it the sitting around for long periods of time, the content they watch or just staring at a pixelated screen?

In: 13

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Overall too much screen time hinders development. Kids aren’t getting face-to-face social interaction, if they get any at all, which is crucial for them early on, they also aren’t getting to move their muscles and that’s just asking for pain later on bc their body is so used to growing in an inactive state. Content I think is the least concern over the negative health impacts (by no means am I dismissing it. I have my own fair share of trauma from not being supervised on the internet). At least parents can control what content their kids consume (in theory. But so many ppl I’ve known are just irresponsible with their kids screen time).
On the flip screen time can be hugely beneficial but like everything in life moderation is key.

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