what actually happens to someone in an atomic bomb explosion?


I saw a post on here showing the ‘shadow’ of a boy standing near the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bomb explosion, it’s not actually his shadow but just the spot that didn’t get ‘bleached’ by the damage of the explosion. I read that he was vaporized in quite a lot of comments on this case but one comment explained that the boy wasn’t actually vaporized, but how did he actually die? Where is his corpse or what’s left of it? How is the damage of atomic bombs different than ‘normal’ bombs used in wars?

In: 20

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the light is so bright that it bleached everything, but when there was something in the way, the light couldnt get to it and that created a “shadow”. its like when you leave furniture out on the sun for a long time or even your hair – the colour fades after a while from the exposure to the light. the extreme heat is what killed the people standing the closest. its like when you forget youre boiling water on the stove and the water just disappears. but it’s obviously much much faster. also the extreme pressure, like the submersible with the millionaires. there are no corpses, just the shadows. they died in an instant, before their brain could even register what happened, so they suffered way less than the people who were further away.

the difference is that atomic bombs are way more powerful. the explosion creates a massive fire ball that’s as hot as the sun. it also creates massive shock waves. atomic bombs explode in the air and not when they hit the ground, which creates two shock waves. the shock wave is so strong the airplane flying away after dropping the bomb could feel it even though they were already kilometres away. normal bombs leaves corpses, but atomic bombs make people disappear. it sounds like a horrible way to die, but the ones who were near enough to disappear were luckier than the ones further away. the worst about normal bombs is the explosion, but with atomic bombs it’s what comes afterwards. the heat burns your skin, the pressure makes your eyes explode… if you’re further away, the heat makes fire tornadoes and the pressure destroys all the houses near. and then comes the biggest difference between those two – the radiation. i’m sure you know what that does so i won’t go into detail. what normal bombs do is horrible, but what happens in an atomic bomb explosion is absolute hell

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