What actually happens when someone ‘accepts all cookies’?


What actually happens when someone ‘accepts all cookies’?

In: 614

20 Answers

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Cookies can be broken down to cookie crumbs. When you visit a store ya eat a cookie and leave cookie crumbs. When the owner sees a crumb, they’re not too sure if it’s an chocolate cookie, an oatmeal cookie, or other types; they know it’s a cookie but they don’t know which type. The more cookie crumbs you leave behind, the more the store owner can assemble them together to get a better guess of the type of cookie; kind of like jigsaw puzzles.

Websites operate the same way and the whole cookie is you. You leave crumbs when ya visit a website, but if ya leave too much crumb – it’s a bit “easier” for the website to narrow down who you are.

But be at ease because they’re just crumbs, it’s pretty hard for them to assemble crumbs to a whole cookie to identify specifically who you are. They may have a general idea like the country or city you’re in, but not the exact address of where you live. It would take a darn good hacker to identify you personally.

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