What actually is identity theft, and how does it work?


What actually is identity theft, and how does it work?

In: 9

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Identity theft is basically just impersonating another person with the intention of benefiting yourself by pretending to be them. Almost universally this is in some way about getting credit – a credit card, mortgage, car loan, etc – and have someone else stuck with the bill.

When you try to get a loan/credit, you’ll be asked questions to confirm your identity and other stuff. The thief needs to know the answers to these questions. Common things like date of birth and where you live, somewhat less common things like social security number…

If I, dehacked, get a credit card with the name bearbarebere printed on it delivered to me for my use, I’ve largely won.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You literally steal someone’s identity.

with the right collection of information you can apply for a car loan, even a house.

People have gotten medical care using someone else’s ID.

Claim your tax return money.

They can steal your reputation. in the san fran bay area a woman would post a craigslist ad looking for a nanny/housekeeper, get a bunch of applicants and their recommendations. She then responded to ads for nanny/housekeeper positions using the info. People doing diligence would call the references, get glowing reviews, hire her…and she’d clean them out of valuables, leaving the actual person reputation in tatters.