What are antibiotics made from? What are the actual ingredients?


What are antibiotics made from? What are the actual ingredients?

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15 Answers

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An antibiotic like amoxicillin is just a combination/arrangement of 16 carbon atoms, 19 hydrogen atoms, 3 nitrogen atoms, 5 oxygen atoms and a sulfur atom per molecule.

Compared to simple sugar (glucose), it only has the nitrogen and sulfur extra.

There is nothing inside it that your body doesn’t see on a daily basis – it’s based on the old penicillin mold you’ve probably heard of, but with select things taken out to simplify it.

It kills bacteria just because it can stick to their cell walls.

About 60 minutes after you’ve taken one of these tablets, half of it is already “eliminated”, meaning sweat, urine and/or breathing it out – 60 minutes later, another half is gone.

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