what are Charter schools


So I’ve seen some stuff about charter schools but I’m not from the states and don’t think my country has them (if they do I’m not aware and they aren’t well know).

They seem a little controversial and I’m not getting why (apart from what seems like gentrification. But again don’t know what they are so I might be wrong) so please ELI5

In: 10

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A charter school is a publicly funded yet privately owned school. This means they don’t follow the state’s set curriculum and rules for schools. This allows them to pick what they teach and do, but they don’t pay for it, rather it’s tax payer money.

This is controversial because people believe privately owned schools should be privately funded, as the public doesn’t know what those funds are actually going towards. People generally don’t like taxpayer money going towards things that aren’t regulated, it’s the same reason stimulus checks were controversial. They also don’t know what these schools are teaching, and a lot of topics many people find unfit for schools, which here in the states is a big no-no recently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Charter” here means “contract”. A Charter School is one that is owned and operated by a private business, but receives taxpayer money (government funding) in order to actually work. Unlike purely Private Schools, a Charter School cannot charge tuition as part of its contract to the government.

One big reason why they are controversial is that many people are not satisfied with the quality of existing public schools and would rather see their tax money going in to supporting and developing the public school system itself, rather than going to specialized charter schools.

They can also be controversial because they might be fulfilling the terms of their contract (meaning, they might be teaching kids what the school district requires them to learn about cells in biology or the quadratic formula in algebra), but they can also have a very specific agenda based heavily on, for instance, certain religious views. Some people are not OK with the fact that they pay taxes that then goes into a school where students are learning potentially discriminatory or biased material.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Charter” here means “contract”. A Charter School is one that is owned and operated by a private business, but receives taxpayer money (government funding) in order to actually work. Unlike purely Private Schools, a Charter School cannot charge tuition as part of its contract to the government.

One big reason why they are controversial is that many people are not satisfied with the quality of existing public schools and would rather see their tax money going in to supporting and developing the public school system itself, rather than going to specialized charter schools.

They can also be controversial because they might be fulfilling the terms of their contract (meaning, they might be teaching kids what the school district requires them to learn about cells in biology or the quadratic formula in algebra), but they can also have a very specific agenda based heavily on, for instance, certain religious views. Some people are not OK with the fact that they pay taxes that then goes into a school where students are learning potentially discriminatory or biased material.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Charter” here means “contract”. A Charter School is one that is owned and operated by a private business, but receives taxpayer money (government funding) in order to actually work. Unlike purely Private Schools, a Charter School cannot charge tuition as part of its contract to the government.

One big reason why they are controversial is that many people are not satisfied with the quality of existing public schools and would rather see their tax money going in to supporting and developing the public school system itself, rather than going to specialized charter schools.

They can also be controversial because they might be fulfilling the terms of their contract (meaning, they might be teaching kids what the school district requires them to learn about cells in biology or the quadratic formula in algebra), but they can also have a very specific agenda based heavily on, for instance, certain religious views. Some people are not OK with the fact that they pay taxes that then goes into a school where students are learning potentially discriminatory or biased material.