What are conference papers? Why do people submit them to attend conferences?


Currently searching for conferences related to workplace training and learning and saw that on some websites they ask potential participants to submit papers to attend. Do people submit these papers to get published at the conferences? Can I attend such conferences just to listen?

In: 451

19 Answers

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MOST people at conferences are going just to listen. So you can absolutely do that, and it’s not weird at all.

But if you’re going to present something at one of the panels people listen to, the organizers are going to want to know what you’re proposing to present, both so they can select which presenters they want to invite and so they can organize the presenters into panels that fall along coherent themes.

So if you want to participate as someone that’s presenting something, you submit a paper that organizers can use to plan the conference, and that they can put out in advance so that people that are coming to listen can read in advance if they want to, especially if they have specific questions about the topic and want to ask questions during the q&a part of the panel.

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