What are geometric angles used for?


How do we use them in real life, why do we refer to them in degrees, and how can I visualize them in real life?

How does the space inside the angle form into a shape if the lines of an angle never end?

I used to see this in the video game War-Thunder in a aircraft’s 1st person view and in tank stats, never knowing what they were used for.

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One place I use angles a lot is in woodworking.

If you look at the corner of a picture frame in your house you will probably notice that where the two pieces of wood meet they don’t overlap (that would look bad) instead they are both cut at a 45 degree angle.

That’s a perfect diagonal angle, right in between straight up and down and straight across. And that makes the wood come together and make a 90 degree angle which is a perfect corner.

But what if I want to hang frame something that isn’t a rectangle? Say I want to put a baseboard around the bottom of a room that has a bunch of different angles in it? Then I use geometry to figure out how I can still cut the wood right so that it comes together perfectly without any cracks.

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