What are Large Language Models?


What are Large Language Models and how are they used?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a LLM as a coverband that has learned every single song from every single album of a particular artist… and not only that, but they have quite the flair for improv, and say they can ‘write a few lines of song’ on the spot in the style of this artist.

Almost like the reverse of Weird-Al-Yankovik’s “Gimme a band’s song and I’ll change the subject of the lyrics.” career paradigm, this instead follows a “Gimme the subject of the lyrics and I’ll make it sound like a song by this band.” for LLMs.

Unfortunately, being improv, it’s not perfect and definitely not always congruent with the views/politics/values of what one would expect to *actually* hear from the REAL band if they had been given the same prompt.

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