What are office politics?


I am Autistic and a paper that I am working on involves a “political mindset” to solve a problem. I am seeing ways to survive office politics but I am not sure ultimately what it is. Please help.

In: 34

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Office politics” general refers to power struggles among managers and executives with conflicting opinions of what should happen.

Generally, in such situations employees are either forced to take a side and agree with one person or the other, or are forced to stay in the middle and tell both sides their views are valid.

Here’s an example from a job I worked. There’s my team, and then there’s the team that handles the tech end of the operations department.

Despite there being fault on both sides, any issue that caused a delay in operations almost always came down to that team blaming my team and my team blaming that team. For someone on either team to publicly agree with the opposite team’s view meant that their management would be unhappy with them, which would impact the projects they were given and any raises/promotions that they’d expect.

Surviving these office politics were often a matter of publicly agreeing with your team and then privately expressing to your team that we could do X, Y, or Z differently “in order to prove that the issue really is on their team,” while solving whatever issue was our fault.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is basically just a term that refers to all of the interactions between people in the office and how those interactions relate to work.

For instance, if you have a boss that doesn’t like you and that balls keeps giving you bad assignments, that is office politics. And if you responded by trying to get on that boss’ good side, that would also be office politics.