What are periods and why do they happen


What are periods and why do they happen

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Periods are part of the menstrual cycle. This is a repeating cycle mostly led by hormones that every human has got, people with higher estogen ( feminizing hormone) tend to have stonger cycles. One cycle is normally about 26-32 days.
Since your question is about menstruation i will only cover what happens in an uterus:
At the beginning of the cycle the uterus starts to build up its walls so they are a stong and good enviromet to possibly fertilize an egg and carry a baby. About a week into the cycle, the egg will get into the uterus and just kind of hangs out in there hoping some semen would come along and fertilize it. If that does not happen the egg dies. The build up skin inside the uterus beginns to deconstruct. That leads to bleeding and cramps known as period.

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