What are Proxies?


What are Proxies?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A proxy server is a type of relay system.

Imagine 2 people trying to speak to one another, but they don’t share the same language. The proxy is the interpreter. Person A asks the proxy to ask person B their question.

Person B responds to the interpreter, the interpreter then responds to person A.

Using a proxy helps prevent cyber attacks and adds a layer of security between users and the gateway(to the outside world/internet).

Anonymous 0 Comments

A proxy is a person or device that does something on your behalf.

Example: you want to buy a car, but you don’t live in the same state the car you’d like to buy is being sold in. You would hire a professional, or ask a friend who lives nearby, to be your proxy. This means they have the full legal authority to purchase the car on your behalf, and in some instances sign your name to any documents (although this stretches into the power of attorney area).

In some sense, I am acting as a proxy for you right now by summarizing and explaining information which you could go get yourself from the internet if you knew what to look for and where to look.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An agent/lawyer who speaks or signs an agreement on your behalf.

Texas and Montana has double proxy marriages. In this case two people whom the couple have signed over permission aka power of attorney, to sign on their behalf a marriage certificate. Lots of military folks do this, one is serving in some hell hole, the other back home with the folks. two people whom the couple might not, probably not ever met appear before a judge and get them married.

In corporations a lot of share holders who are not involved in how the company is run, or at least satisfied with how the board is doing will sign proxy statements allowing the board to control the vote….or there can be a proxy war where disenchanted shareholders will solicit proxies to overthrow the board.