What are sin and cos and why are they used so frequently in math?


What are sin and cos and why are they used so frequently in math?

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Sin and cos (as well as tan) are very useful functions for working with triangles (specifically ones with a 90 degree angle). They relate angles to a ratio between the sides. So if you know what one of the angles is and the length of a side is, you can find the other dimensions and angle. The cosine (cos) of an angle is the adjacent side (the one touching the angle) divided by the hypotenuse (long side). Sine (sin) is the opposite side over the hypotenuse. Tangent (tan) is the opposite over adjacent.

The real power of this is that it doesn’t have to be a literal triangle, it can be something that you can kinda look at like a triangle as well. So you can apply it to a bunch of stuff pretty easily. Pretty much anything with an angle can utilize these functions. Same with a circle (what is a circle but a line swept through a 360 degree angle). And if a circle can do it, then so can repeating patterns.

As an easy example, let’s say you’re pushing kinda sidewise on a box. Sun and cos will tell you how hard you’re pushing in each direction. Heading northwest? Sin and cos tell you how much north and how much west.

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