What are the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality?


I’m a bisexual woman, and both I and my bi friends include trans and non-binary people in our attraction range. What are the difference between the terms?

In: Other

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bi (meaning 2) sexual refers to one being attracted to either a male or female.

Pansexual refers to one who is attracted to, or can be attracted to anyone, regardless of what their gender is or what they identify as (i.e, male, female, any of the lgbt designations…etc).

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s very little.

Bisexuality, in current usage of the term, is “I am attracted to both people of my gender identity, and people not of my gender identity.”

Pansexuality, in current usage of the term is “I am attracted to people no matter what their gender identity may be.”

In practice, the terms are pretty much identical. But some people have very strong opinions about the term “bisexual” and whether its an outdated term because it implies a gender binary.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There isn’t any, truthfully. The word bisexual used to have different connotations; some people used it to describe what we would call bigender or gender fluid or even vague non-binary. As a sexuality though it’s always included trans and NB people; things just kinda got mixed up over time and with generational shifts. A lot of our history has gotten lost to untimely deaths, or has been forcefully erased, so it’s been easy for things to change definitions.

I use both interchangeably but to be honest I’m more inclined to use pan just because I like the flag colors better LOL