What are the differences between a thread and a core in a CPU?


What are the differences between a thread and a core in a CPU?

In: 14

10 Answers

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My understanding: A core is the brains of the cpu and has a certain amount of threads. So a quad core could have like 8 threads or 16 threads. If it has sixteen threads that means the 16 thread quad core (has 4 threads per core).

Think of the core like a brain. Everyone has a certain limited amount of threads for multi tasking. having more cores is better for multi tasking on a cpu and for video encoding. and having many apps opened.

Gaming benefits from multicore multi threaded cpus. Because AI and physics however a gpu is more beneficial and having a cpu that isnt bottlenecking the gpu card helps. Some games are CPU leaning (cpu bound) when it comes to certain tasks like RTS games tend to lean towards cpu more instead of gpu. it all depends on how the game was coded and game engine. It all depends but usually number crunching is done efficiently on cpus while gpus handle the 3d stuff.

More cores are better because they count as a processor. While threads are like lanes.

Tl;dr – Cores are processors, threads are lanes. More cores are better.

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