What are the differences between hemp, CBD, THC, etc?


I don’t really have a great understanding of the terms and how they are different. Marijuana in my state is illegal, yet I see various products in the gas station that claim to mimic it. Help?

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6 Answers

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Cannabis is a plant with many uses, this is also the Latin name for the plant.

Hemp is the traditional English name for this plant. However it mostly refers to varieties of this plant that are used for fiber. This fiber is used to make ropes, cloth, and traditionally paper.

Marijuana is the Spanish name for this plant. When people wanted to ban Hemp, they used the word Marijuana to make it sound Mexican and to convince racists that it’s bad.

The main guy who wanted to ban hemp was Harry Anslinger.

Many believe that the real reason was because of wood based paper. It’s one thing to ban a drug, it’s an extremely weird thing to ban a material used to make ropes, cloth, paper, and other items.

Today people use the word “chemical” to fear monger.

Everything is a chemical. Water is Dihydrogen Monoxide.

CBD and THC are chemicals that are naturally found in Cannabis.

THC can be used as a narcotic drug where it will impact the consciousness.

CBD does not get you high, but it’s believed to have medical effects.

The plants were cultivated by humans for centuries, if not longer.

People who made rope chose the biggest strongest plants that made good ropes. These plants are now referred to as Hemp and they have almost no THC so they cannot get you high or be used as a narcotic drug.

People who wanted to smoke drugs chose the plants that got them the most high. As a result these plants are weak, difficult to grow, but can be a powerful narcotic drug. These are usually referred to as marijuana today.

CBD can be found in both plant varieties.

CBD definitely has the potential to have good medical effects for some conditions, and research on this is still being done.

CBD is also a bit mysterious because the research on it is mostly recent and ongoing.

A lot of people exploit this mystery by claiming it can help too many medical conditions.

There’s also a lot of fraudulent products. Someone might buy regular cough syrup. Then put it in new bottles and call it “CBD cough syrup”.

If you want to try CBD, buy the plant parts or the oil and look for one that doesn’t make medical claims.

Unfortunately this is how a lot of alternative medicine operates.

I once personally saw a guy repacking melatonin as a “CBD sleep aid”.

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