What are the differences between hemp, CBD, THC, etc?


I don’t really have a great understanding of the terms and how they are different. Marijuana in my state is illegal, yet I see various products in the gas station that claim to mimic it. Help?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Obligatory not an expert.

In reality, all you need to know is that THC is the psychoactive substance in weed that gives you the high. I suspect this is what allows roadside drug wipes to test positive for cannabis.

CBD is a substance in cannabis that helps to counter the effects of THC. It also has some other health benefits like treating cancer and epilepsy. This is why there are some CBD shops opening up in some major cities.
CBD doesn’t have any way to make you high, so it also means that you won’t (generally) get arrested for using CBD oil (unless it has some THC in it).

We use hemp as bedding for my ferrets’ cages. It’s essentially weakened cannabis that doesn’t have the THC in it, or remnants of actual cannabis plants that the police have seized from cannabis farms in attics and the like. It might have some CBD in it – but this may vary between who you get it from.

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