what are the different groups/sects of Islam, and why do some fight violently against each other?


what are the different groups/sects of Islam, and why do some fight violently against each other?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Best way to put it would be, each one believes that one has what was ordained truly by God, and that the other is in cardinal sin by believing something else.

They’re are three major groups, The Sunni (Most of the Muslim population), The Shia (A distinct minority), and the Khawrajites (minority).

The rest are offshoots of the three major sects, and or are non denominational.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sunnis believe one guy should have succeeded Muhammed, Shias believe another guy should have. They had slightly different views on the future of Islam and fought a whole war over it a thousand years ago.

The Sunnis won, and did a little bit of injustice to the Shia, treating them like heretics. Most Sunnis were ethnic Arabs, most Shias were converts and non-arabs, so there’s also a bit of racism at play. It went on for about 900 years. In the last 100, Shias have gained power, notably in Iran but also in Iraq. They’ve done pretty much what you’d expect with that. It’s a lot like racial conflict in the US or wherever you are.

There’s also conflict over extremism. How much Islam is enough Islam and how much is too much. The answer seems to be a lot.