What are the major factors that cause a high birth rate?


Currently Nigeria has the highest birth rate in the world and doing research into the country’s social and ecomomic spheres, there really isn’t that much of a difference between it and other countries that have lower birth rates

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7 Answers

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Low levels of education and economic development, basically. The natural state of humanity is to not have any birth control, and for people to be married and sexually active from around age 20 onward. Historically, the only reason women weren’t just constantly pregnant until they hit menopause was because breastfeeding inhibits fertility, so if you breastfeed your child for a long period (18 months is pretty common in hunter-gatherer societies), you usually won’t be able to get pregnant again until you stop breastfeeding.

The only reason this ever changes is when society develops economically, women start getting educated and delaying marriage, and people start getting access to birth control. Then birth rates begin to fall.

The countries with the highest birth rates today will be the poorest ones with the least education for women, the least access to birth control.

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