What are the problems gentrification brings? Isn’t fixing up a neighborhood a good thing? How can gentrification stop?


What are the problems gentrification brings? Isn’t fixing up a neighborhood a good thing? How can gentrification stop?

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39 Answers

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The basic thing is that if you go to a neighborhood where a lot of poor people are living, and “fix it up” in ways where now richer people like it, the poor people lose their homes because the rent goes up. In most poor neighborhoods, people don’t own homes, they are renting. And if the neighborhood is now fixed up, the landlords who own the houses and apartments can charge higher rent and make more money off of the new people who want to move in.

This may be nice for the neighborhood, but sucks for the people already living there that now have to move because their homes are now more expensive than they used to be. The poor people aren’t necessarily making more money now that the neighborhood is fancier, and landlords would rather earn more money than keep the rents at the low level they already were at.

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