What are the problems gentrification brings? Isn’t fixing up a neighborhood a good thing? How can gentrification stop?


What are the problems gentrification brings? Isn’t fixing up a neighborhood a good thing? How can gentrification stop?

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39 Answers

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It drives up property values, which usually means higher property taxes. And then the services and businesses that come in typically tend to be more expensive, as well, since they are catering to a different demographic than the average resident living there *before* gentrification happened, and because they have to pay higher leases to even be there. So it makes for a very unaffordable area for people who are already having trouble affording the basics. They can end up losing their house or apartment and having to move somewhere else, which is also expensive on its own and can put them in even harsher financial straits, like finding employment in the new area.

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