What are the technological advancements that have made solar power so much more economically viable over the last decade or so?


What are the technological advancements that have made solar power so much more economically viable over the last decade or so?

In: 213

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a related answer but not exactly an answer. I’m in my 50s and have been around for a lot of the advancements in solar power. It is absolutely stunning the amount of obvious corporate brigading that has been going on since my childhood all the way up to discussions today bout the Texas power grid. It’s not like solar energy was this long shot pipe dream that suddenly became miraculously viable. It had followed the exact path of every technology we use, including fossil fuels.

If you grew up thinking solar was impractical, or today if you live in Texas and think windmills cause power failures or live in Arizona and think solar panels “use up all the sun” then you’re going to think the next few decades are a series of miracles and divine intervention. But if you are a normal person who understands that investment and incremental gains in engineering add up in the long term to outsized impact then you will not be surprised at all.

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