What are the types of energy?


I found couple of lists and some were not only inconsistent but I also couldn’t understand given explainations. I’m not good with pchysics terminology.

Could someone make it as simple as possible for me?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ultimately when talking about energy in Physics we are talking about Kinetic energy or Potential energy. These 2 basic forms can be simplified by thinking of them as energy in use (Kinetic)or energy being stored (Potential). A spring is great way to represent both. If you compress a spring as much as possible and hold it there, then you can say the spring has a build up of energy or potential and then when released that energy is released to do something, such a moving the spring itself, or pushing something that was in front of the spring, we call that action Kinetic energy. Hopefully this helps, it’s been some time since I’ve had to explain physics.

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