What are the white cloud trails in the sky?


What are the white cloud trails in the sky?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So basically when airplanes are flying, water vapor is created as a byproduct. At high altitudes the atmosphere is very cold and the water freezes. That’s it. Basically big trails of ice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You may also be talking about certain kinds of clouds. When there’s a strong wind at a certain level it can stratify the clouds, they can look like rippled potato chips, sometimes they disperse and can look like long trails that are parallel.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Airplane contrails

Basically the soot and hot-air put out by the plane’s engines causes water-vapour in the air to condense into a cloud.

If you watch the sky long enough, you’ll soon see a plane track across the sky leaving a visible contrail behind it.