What are these ‚light particles‘ you see when you’re looking in the sky?


While you look in the (for me at the moment grey) sky, it’s almost like you don’t see just what you’d draw on a painting. It’s like a million (or so) tiny light particles flicker around. And in general it’s not like looking for example on the ground where you see everything ‚normal‘, looking at the sky feels more like watching something on an old tv.

What’s that?

In: 4

8 Answers

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As other people are saying, it’s possible eye floaters or white blood cells.

If you’re talking about the night sky, what you’re seeing is likely individual photos from far off stars and galaxies. There isn’t enough consistency or volume to resolve these little dots into single lasting points, so what you see is the static of a trillion stars, all shining their light into your eye. I see this phenomena too when looking up into the night sky.

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